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South African Journal of Animal Science
versão On-line ISSN 2221-4062
versão impressa ISSN 0375-1589


S. Afr. j. anim. sci. vol.52 no.3 Pretoria  2022

 ·  Composition, nitrate and nitrite levels, and antioxidant activity of milk from agroecological and conventional systems
Figueiredo-Paludo, M.; dos Santos-Pozza, M.S.; da Silva Junior, R.C.; Horst, J.A.; Osorio, J.A.C.; Ítavo, L.C.V.; dos Santos, F.S.; dos Santos, G.T.

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 ·  Efficacy of Tragopogón graminifolius medicinal powder as an inulin source for laying hens
Nobakht, A.; Palangi, V.; Ayaşan, T.; Coçkun, I.

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 ·  Proportions of protein and concentrate in diets for buffaloes and cows affect neutral detergent fibre degradability
Khan, Z.; Saima; Pasha, T.N.; Bhatti, J.A.; Haque, M.N.; Ihsan, M.Z.; Riaz, R.; Zahra, N.; Rahman, H.A.; Jabbar, M.; Ghazzanfar, S.; Tahir, M.N.

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 ·  Effect of ferulic acid on growth, digestibility, digestive enzyme activity, immunity and antioxidant status of broilers
Du, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, R.; Ji, X.; Zhang, J.; Guo, T.; Hu, Y.; An, X.; Gao, A.; Qi, J.

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 ·  Predicting feed intake from weaning to maturity in South African sheep reared on high-energy grain-based diets
van der Merwe, D.A.; Brand, T.S.; Theron, P.G.; Hoffman, L.C.

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 ·  Components and specific gravity of colostrum from Anatolian buffalo cows and effects on growth of buffalo calves
Erdem, H.; Okuyucu, I.C.; Demirci, H.

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 ·  Metabolizable energy requirements, dry matter intake and feed selection of sable antelope (Hippotragus niger)
Shepstone, C.A.; Meissner, H.H.; Van Zyl, J.H.C.; Lubout, P.; Hoffman, L.C.

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 ·  Sapindus rarak microparticles in feed and drinking water as a substitute for anticoccidials and antibiotics in broilers
Pasaribu, T.; Wina, E.; Cahyaningsih, T.

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 ·  Enteric methane emission estimates for cattle in Ethiopia from 1994 to 2018
Wassie, S. E.; Wilkes, A.; Tadesse, M.; Assefa, B.; Abu, M.; Solomon, D.

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 ·  Impact of chitosan oligosaccharide and valine supplementation on blood biochemical profile of broilers
Ahmed, Iftikhar; Roohi, Nabila; Roohi, Ayesha

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 ·  Horn growth characteristics of sable antelope (Hippotragusnigerniger) in South Africa
Shepstone, C.A.; Lubout, P.C.; Van Zyl, J.H.C.; Hoffman, L.C.; Jordaan, G.F.

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 ·  Seasonal performance and behaviour of Nellore cattle in integrated crop-livestock systems
Aranha, A. S.; Andrighetto, C.; Mateus, G.P.; Santana, E.A.R.; Lupatini, G.C.; Aranha, A.R.; Fonseca, R.; Sekiya, B.M.S.; Bueno, L.G.F.; Meirelles, P.R.L.; Maestá, S.A.; da Luz, P.A.; Trivelin, G.A.; Carriel, A.C.C.; Santos, J.M.F.

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 ·  Feeding Japanese quail diets supplemented with probiotics and enzymes
Aydin, Ö. Durna; Yildiz, G.; Merhan, O.; Ulufer, S.; Önk, K.; Baran, M.S.; Kaplan, O.

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 ·  Comparison of fatty acid properties of Bingol Propolis
Inci, H.; Sogut, B.; Sengul, T.; Yucel, B.; Kokten, K.; Tunca, R.I.; Ayasan, T.; Bengu, A.S.; ul, A. G; Celik, S.; Sengul, A.Y.; Yilmaz, H.S.; Kutlu, M.A.; Sahin, Í.

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 ·  Impact of various dietary levels of zeolite on broiler performance, digestibility, and carcass traits
Pavlak, M.S.D.; Nunes, R.V.; Eyng, C.; Viott, A.M.; Vieira, B.S.; Kaufmann, C.; Rohloff Junior, N.; Santos, N.C.C.; Campos, F.P.; Cirilo, E. H.

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