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Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
versión On-line ISSN 2520-9868
versión impresa ISSN 0259-479X


Tabla de contenido
Journal of Education  no.78 Durban  2020

 ·  Editorial: Exploring possibilities through methodological inventiveness in self-reflexive educational research
Pithouse-Morgan, Kathleen; Pillay, Daisy; Naicker, Inbanathan; Masinga, Lungile

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 Research Articles
 ·  How calls for research can awaken self-reflexivity and latent interests in scholarly inquiry
Bernauer, James A.

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 ·  Alone on stage: How one LGBTIQ+ educator uses poetic performative autoethnography for social change
Scott Baker, J.

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 ·  Having fun seriously matters: A visual arts-based narrative of methodological inventiveness
Müller, Marguerite

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 ·  Creative inquiry: Exploring teacher researcher self-reflexivity through arts-based self-study
Woitek, Kirsten

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 ·  "Show, don't tell": Using visual mapping to chart emergent thinking in self-reflexive research
van der Walt, Tanya

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 ·  Embroidery as method: Stitching together narrative becomings and data
Hancock, Tamara S.

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