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Water SA
versión On-line ISSN 1816-7950
versión impresa ISSN 0378-4738


Tabla de contenido
Water SA vol.42 no.2 Pretoria abr. 2016

 Original articles
 ·  Influence of phase separator design on the performance of UASB reactors treating municipal wastewater
dos Santos, Silvânia Lucas; Chaves, Silvia Raphaele Morais; van Haandel, Adrianus

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 ·  Assessment of water quality based on diatom indices in a small temperate river system, Kowie River, South Africa
Dalu, Tatenda; Bere, Taurai; Froneman, P William

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 ·  A spatial assessment of stream-flow characteristics and hydrologic alterations, post dam construction in the Manyame catchment, Zimbabwe
Mwedzi, Tongayi; Katiyo, Loreen; Mugabe, Francis T; Bere, Taurai; Bangira, Courage; Mangadze, Tinotenda; Kupika, Olga L

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 ·  Effects of greywater irrigation on germination, growth and photosynthetic characteristics in selected African leafy vegetables
Lubbe, E; Rodda, N; Sershen

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 ·  The strontium isotope distribution in water and fish within major South African catchments
Jordaan, LJ; Wepener, V; Huizenga, JM

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 ·  Analysis of auto-purification response of the Apies River, Gauteng, South Africa, to treated wastewater effluent
Omole, David O; Badejo, Adekunle A; Ndambuki, Julius M; Musa, Adebola G; Kupolati, Williams K

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 ·  Climate influences on Vaal River flow
Jury, Mark R

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 ·  Evaluation of models generated via hybrid evolutionary algorithms for the prediction of Microcystis concentrations in the Vaal Dam, South Africa
Swanepoel, A; Barnard, S; Recknagel, F; Cao, H

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 ·  A comparison of mollusc diversity between the relatively pristine Marico River and the impacted Crocodile River, two major tributaries of the Limpopo River, South Africa
Kemp, Mathilde; de Kock, Kenné N; Zaayman, Jazelle L; Wolmarans, Cornelius T

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 ·  Coming to the party of their own volition: Interest groups, the Lesotho Highlands Water Project Phase 1 and change in the water sector
Meissner, Richard

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 ·  Laboratory-scale simulations with hydrated lime and organic polymer to evaluate the effect of pre-chlorination on motile Ceratium hirundinella cells during conventional water treatment
Ewerts, H; Barnard, S; Swanepoel, A

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 ·  Development and implementation of a monitoring programme for South African estuaries
Cilliers, GJ; Adams, JB

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 ·  Public-private partnership conceptual framework and models for the funding and financing of water services infrastructure in municipalities from selected provinces in South Africa
Ruiters, Cornelius; Matji, Maselaganye P

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 ·  Exploratory use of a Bayesian network process for translating stakeholder perceptions of water quality problems in a catchment in South Africa
Rivers-Moore, NA

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 ·  Assessment of sorghum-cowpea intercrop system under water-limited conditions using a decision support tool
Chimonyo, VGP; Modi, AT; Mabhaudhi, T

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 ·  Trace element accumulation and human health risk assessment of Labeo capensis (Smith, 1841) from the Vaal Dam reservoir, South Africa
Lynch, LP; Jirsa, F; Avenant-Oldewage, A

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 ·  Assessment of water quality in distribution networks through the lens of disinfection by-product rules
Islam, Nilufar; Sadiq, Rehan; Rodriguez, Manuel J.; Legay, Christelle

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 Technical note
 ·  The formulation of synthetic domestic wastewater sludge medium to study anaerobic biological treatment of acid mine drainage in the laboratory
van den Berg, M Francis; Botes, Marelize; Cloete, T Eugene

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 Comment on
 ·  Yao, Ren, Wei and Yue (2010) Biodegradation characterization and kinetics of m-cresol by Lysinibacillus cresolivorans (Water SA 37 (1) 15-20)
Lee, Do Gyun

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