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versão On-line ISSN 2223-6279
versão impressa ISSN 0379-8577

Curationis vol.32 no.3 Pretoria  2009




Experiences of primary health care nurses in implementing integrated management of childhood illnesses strategy at selected clinics of Limpopo Province



EN VhuromuI; M Davhana-MaseleseleII

IM Cur. School of Health Sciences, University of Venda
IID Phil. Faculty of Agriculture; Science and Technology, North West University: Mafikeng campus





Treatment of the under five years is a national priority as an attempt in curbing deaths and deformities affecting children. Primary health care was implemented in the clinics in order to help in the treatment of illnesses affecting the community, including children. As a result of childhood illnesses; the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF) came up with Integrated Management of Childhood illnesses (IMCI) strategy to enhance treatment of such illnesses in developing countries. Primary health care nurses (PHCNS) in Limpopo province were also trained to implement the strategy.
This study is intended to explore and describe the experiences of PHCNS in implementing the IMCI strategy at selected clinics in Vhembe District in the Limpopo Province. A qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design was used. In-depth interviews were conducted with PHCNS who are IMCI trained and have implemented the strategy for a period of not less than two years. Data analysis was done through using Tesch's method of open coding for qualitative analysis.
Findings revealed that PHCNS had difficulty in rendering IMCI services due to lack of resources and poor working conditions. Recommendations address the difficulties experienced by PHCNS when implementing the IMCI strategy.

Key words: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses; Primary health care nurse; Primary health care; Supermarket approach



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Prof M. Davhana-Maselesele
Executive Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Science and Technology
North West University (Mafikeng Campus)
Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho, 2735
Tel: (018)3892050; Fax: (018)3892052

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