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SA Orthopaedic Journal

versión On-line ISSN 2309-8309
versión impresa ISSN 1681-150X

SA orthop. j. vol.7 no.4 Centurion oct./dic. 2008




Managing risks in surgical practice: A necessity



AH van den Bout

Drs Med en Arts (Leiden), MMed (Orth)(UP), BLC (UP), LLB (UP), CIME (USA). Orthopaedic Surgeon and Advocate of the High Court of South Africa. Dr Van den Bout is a founder member of the South African Medico-Legal Society and a past president





The bi-annual seminar of the South African Medico-legal Society was held recently on the topic of "Management of medico-legal risks and costs in surgical practice in South Africa". The invited speakers were Dr Liz Meyer of the Medical Protection Society (MPS) and Adv Graham van der Spuy of the Cape Bar. Some of their excellent contributions follow in this report. Everyone who attended left the conference left more aware of the many risks of surgical practice and the possible legal consequences.



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1. Van den Bout AH. Know the boundaries within your scope of practice. SAOJ, Winter 2008;7(3):28.         [ Links ]



Reprint requests:
Dr AH van den Bout
Tel: (012) 379-5940
Fax: (012) 379-5941




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