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Old Testament Essays

On-line version ISSN 2312-3621
Print version ISSN 1010-9919

Old testam. essays vol.23 n.1 Pretoria  2010


Genesis 2:18-25 from a Jungian and feminist-deconstructionist point of view1



Helen Efthimiadis-Keith

University of Kwazulu Natal





While there is nothing particularly special about Genesis 2:18-25 as affects language usage and variants that could significantly impact upon its translation, it has become one of the most contentious biblical passages for feminist interpretations of the biblical text. This article investigates Genesis 2:18-25 primarily from the perspective of Jungian individuation theory. It then merges the results of this analysis with the gains made by feminist interpretations of this passage in order further to deconstruct its androcentric application.



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Dr. Helen Efthimiadis-Keith
School of Religion and Theology, University of Kwazulu Natal



1 This article is dedicated to mentor, friend, and colleague, Steve de Gruchy, whose untimely death has left us all bewildered and confused.

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