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On-line version ISSN 2305-445X
Print version ISSN 0254-1807


SEAL, David. The reception and delivery of the oracle in Revelation 13:9-10. Scriptura [online]. 2020, vol.119, n.1, pp.1-13. ISSN 2305-445X.

This study will examine how the oracle in Revelation 13:9-10 might have been regarded by the original audience as it was recited by the lector to each of the seven churches. The oral cultural context from which it originated decisively shaped the oracle's form and content. That oral cultural context will be considered in this analysis. The investigation will be conducted in three steps. First, this essay will argue that in the recitation of Revelation, the assemblies in Asia Minor would have perceived the following: the author's presence, his authority as a prophet, and the divine presence. Second, it will demonstrate that in hearing the oracle in Revelation 13:9-10, the congregants would have heard John's voice and accepted the prophet's words as caring and authoritative. Finally, the poetic nature of the oracle will be examined for its ability to foster a sense of the semantic divine presence. Consequently, when the prophecy was read aloud, it may have nurturedfeelings of awe, reverence, and respect for God in the listeners.

Keywords : New Testament prophecy; Orality; Poetry; Revelation; book of.

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