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SAIEE Africa Research Journal

On-line version ISSN 1991-1696
Print version ISSN 0038-2221


HATTINGH, T.S.  and  DISON, L.. How assessment shapes learning: A perspective from engineering students. SAIEE ARJ [online]. 2021, vol.112, n.4, pp.161-170. ISSN 1991-1696.

This study explores the influence of assessment on student approaches to learning through the voice of the student. The aim is to understand how assessment practices in an engineering school shape how students respond through their learning approaches and behaviors. The study is framed using a learning-oriented assessment paradigm. Focus groups were conducted with second-, third- and fourth-year engineering students. Four groups were formed using academic performance as a sampling criterion. The findings are presented using selected emergent themes and rich, narrative descriptions. A range of expected and unexpected student responses to assessment practices is highlighted. These are discussed in the context of the assessment literature to provide insight into the relationship between assessment and learning. The study confirms the importance of constructive alignment in assessment design, and includes specific findings related to tutorials, assignments, feedback, and group work. The study reveals that assessment is a powerful driver of learning, and highlights the need for a more collaborative teaching and learning environment to shift learning in a positive direction.

Keywords : constructive alignment; focus groups; learning-oriented assessment; student learning; student voice.

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