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South African Dental Journal

versión On-line ISSN 0375-1562
versión impresa ISSN 0011-8516


JONKER, CH; VAN DER VYVER, P; ARNOLD, S  y  WOOD, NH. A combined therapeutic approach to treating a challenging case of Dens Invaginatus. S. Afr. dent. j. [online]. 2020, vol.75, n.2, pp.81-86. ISSN 0375-1562.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Dens Invaginatus is a rare dental anomaly. The case presentation illustrates a combined endodontic and surgical approach of a maxillary lateral incisor that presented with a Type III Dens Invaginatus. METHODS: The complex root canal system was prepared during phase 1 after proper disinfection; the canals were obturated with a combination of techniques. An appointment was scheduled for four weeks later for the surgical phase. During this visit, a full muco-periostal flap was raised, the failed retrograde restoration was removed and MTA was placed. RESULTS: The patient was seen for follow-up visits after the procedure and satisfactory healing was observed. CONCLUSION: The case report illustrates a novel approach to treating a unique case of dens in dente.

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