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Base de dados : article
Pesquisa : SANNE, I [Autor]
Referências encontradas : 6 [refinar]
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 Jacobson, B et al. Heterologous vaccination of BNT162b2 in Ad26. COV2.S-vaccinated healthcare workers elicits long-term humoral immune response. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j., Oct 2022, vol.112, no.10, p.0-0. ISSN 0256-9574
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Ovens, W et al. Guiding equitable piioiitisation of COVID-19 vaccine distribution and strategic deployment in South Africa to enhance effectiveness and access to vulnerable communities and prevent waste. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j., Feb 2022, vol.112, no.2, p.87-95. ISSN 0256-9574
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Pillay, Y et al. Recovery and transforming the South African health system. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j., May 2022, vol.112, no.5b, p.384-387. ISSN 0256-9574
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Goga, A E et al. Sisonke phase 3B open-label study: Lessons learnt for national and global vaccination scale-up during epidemics. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j., May 2022, vol.112, no.5b, p.375-383. ISSN 0256-9574
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 Hendrickson, C et al. Treatment outcomes among HIV-positive orphaned and non-orphaned children on antiretroviral therapy in Johannesburg, South Africa. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j., Sept 2019, vol.109, no.9, p.679-685. ISSN 0256-9574
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 Schnippel, K et al. Diagnosing Xpert MTB/RIF-negative TB: Impact and cost of alternative algorithms for South Africa. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j., Feb 2013, vol.103, no.2, p.101-106. ISSN 0256-9574
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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